Services |
MailServer: UNREACHABLE Cound not ping - pinging ( Mail server appears to be running [POP3].timed out timed out timed out timed out Checked POP3[110], POP2[109], SMTP[25], and IMAP[143]. |
NewsServer: (empty) |
IE is using a proxy: UNREACHABLE Cound not ping - pinging ( Proxy server is not accepting connections on port [8080].timed out timed out timed out timed out |
Loopback PASSED Successful ping - pinging ( 64 bytes from icmp_seq = 0. time: 16 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq = 1. time: 4 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq = 2. time: 20 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq = 3. time: 20 ms |
Computer Information |
BootDevice = \\Device\Harddisk0 BuildNumber = 3000 BuildType (empty) Caption = Microsoft Windows CodeSet = 1252 CountryCode = 1 CreationClassName = Win32_OperatingSystem CSCreationClassName = Win32_ComputerSystem CSDVersion = CSName = GREGORY J. VOGL CurrentTimeZone = 180 Debug (empty) Description = 219-287-4336 Distributed (empty) ForegroundApplicationBoost (empty) FreePhysicalMemory = 10416 FreeSpaceInPagingFiles = 1862540 FreeVirtualMemory = 1872956 InstallDate = 20020122014102.000000+180 LastBootUpTime (empty) LocalDateTime = 20030401172746.340000+180 Locale = 0409 Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation MaxNumberOfProcesses = -1 MaxProcessMemorySize = 2093056 Name = Microsoft Windows ME|C:\WINDOWS| NumberOfLicensedUsers (empty) NumberOfProcesses = 30 NumberOfUsers (empty) Organization = University of Bukoba OSLanguage = 1033 OSProductSuite (empty) OSType = 17 OtherTypeDescription (empty) PlusProductID (empty) PlusVersionNumber (empty) Primary = True QuantumLength (empty) QuantumType (empty) RegisteredUser = Gregory J. Vogl SerialNumber = 50578-OEM-0003585-55623 ServicePackMajorVersion (empty) ServicePackMinorVersion (empty) SizeStoredInPagingFiles = 1966656 Status = OK SystemDevice (empty) SystemDirectory = C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM TotalSwapSpaceSize (empty) TotalVirtualMemorySize = 2097148 TotalVisibleMemorySize = 130492 Version = 4.90.3000 WindowsDirectory = C:\WINDOWS |
OS Version = 4.90.3000 WMI Version = 1164.0003 |
3Com V.90 MPCI Modem 556B AnswerMode (empty) AttachedTo = COM3 Availability (empty) BlindOff = X4 BlindOn = X3 Caption = 3Com V.90 MPCI Modem 556B CompatibilityFlags (empty) CompressionInfo (empty) CompressionOff = &K0 CompressionOn = &K1 ConfigManagerErrorCode (empty) ConfigManagerUserConfig (empty) ConfigurationDialog = modemui.dll CountrySelected = Tanzania CreationClassName = Win32_PotsModem Description = 3Com V.90 MPCI Modem 556B DeviceID = WDM\WDXJBAA\WDMMDM0 DeviceLoader = *vcomm DeviceType = Internal Modem DialType (empty) DriverDate (empty) ErrorCleared (empty) ErrorControlForced = &M5 ErrorControlInfo (empty) ErrorControlOff = &M0S15=128 ErrorControlOn = &M4 ErrorDescription (empty) FlowControlHard = &H1&R2&I0 FlowControlOff = &H0&R1&I0 FlowControlSoft = &H2&R1&I2 InactivityScale = "3c000000" InactivityTimeout (empty) Index (empty) InstallDate (empty) LastErrorCode (empty) MaxBaudRateToPhone (empty) MaxBaudRateToSerialPort (empty) MaxNumberOfPasswords (empty) Model = 3Com V.90 MPCI Modem 556B ModemInfPath = 3COMCO~2.INF ModemInfSection = Winmodem ModulationBell = B1 ModulationCCITT = B0 ModulationScheme (empty) Name = Unimodem.vxd PNPDeviceID = WDM\WDXJBAA\WDMMDM0 PortSubClass = "02" PowerManagementSupported (empty) Prefix = AT ProviderName = 3COM Corp Pulse = P Reset = ATZ ResponsesKeyName (empty) RingsBeforeAnswer (empty) SpeakerModeDial = M1 SpeakerModeOff = M0 SpeakerModeOn = M2 SpeakerModeSetup = M3 SpeakerVolumeHigh = L3 SpeakerVolumeInfo (empty) SpeakerVolumeLow = L0 SpeakerVolumeMed = L2 Status = OK StatusInfo = 3 StringFormat (empty) SupportsCallback (empty) SupportsSynchronousConnect (empty) SystemCreationClassName = Win32_ComputerSystem SystemName = GREGORY J. VOGL Terminator = TimeOfLastReset (empty) Tone = T VoiceSwitchFeature = "480000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
[0000] PPP Adapter. UNREACHABLE Caption = [0000] PPP Adapter. [0001] PPP Adapter. UNREACHABLEArpAlwaysSourceRoute = (empty) ArpUseEtherSNAP = (empty) DeadGWDetectEnabled = (empty) Description = PPP Adapter. MACAddress = 44:45:53:54:00:00 ServiceName = (empty) DatabasePath = (empty) DefaultTOS = (empty) DefaultTTL = (empty) DHCPEnabled = (empty) DHCPLeaseObtained = (empty) DHCPLeaseExpires = (empty) DHCPServer = (empty) DNSDomain = DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = (empty) DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = (empty) DNSHostName = umu lab DNSServerSearchOrder UNREACHABLE UNREACHABLE ForwardBufferMemory = (empty)Cound not ping - pinging ( UNREACHABLEtimed out timed out timed out timed out Cound not ping - pinging ( timed out timed out timed out timed out GatewayCostMetric = (empty) IGMPLevel = (empty) IPAddress = (empty) IPFilterSecurityEnabled = (empty) IPPortSecurityEnabled = (empty) IPSecPermitIPProtocols = (empty) IPSecPermitTCPPorts = (empty) IPSecPermitUDPPorts = (empty) IPSubnet = IPUseZeroBroadcast = (empty) KeepAliveInterval = (empty) KeepAliveTime = (empty) MTU = (empty) NumForwardPackets = (empty) PMTUBHDetectEnabled = (empty) PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = (empty) TCPMaxConnectRetransmissions = (empty) TCPMaxDataRetransmissions = (empty) TCPNumConnections = (empty) TCPUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = (empty) TCPWindowSize = (empty) WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = (empty) WINSHostLookupFile = (empty) WINSPrimaryServer = (empty) WINSScopeID = (empty) WINSSecondaryServer = (empty) IPXEnabled = (empty) Caption = [0001] PPP Adapter. ArpAlwaysSourceRoute = (empty) ArpUseEtherSNAP = (empty) DeadGWDetectEnabled = (empty) Description = PPP Adapter. MACAddress = 44:45:53:54:00:01 ServiceName = (empty) DatabasePath = (empty) DefaultTOS = (empty) DefaultTTL = (empty) DHCPEnabled = (empty) DHCPLeaseObtained = (empty) DHCPLeaseExpires = (empty) DHCPServer = (empty) DNSDomain = DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = (empty) DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = (empty) DNSHostName = umu lab DNSServerSearchOrder UNREACHABLE UNREACHABLE ForwardBufferMemory = (empty)Cound not ping - pinging ( UNREACHABLEtimed out timed out timed out timed out Cound not ping - pinging ( timed out timed out timed out timed out GatewayCostMetric = (empty) IGMPLevel = (empty) IPAddress = (empty) IPFilterSecurityEnabled = (empty) IPPortSecurityEnabled = (empty) IPSecPermitIPProtocols = (empty) IPSecPermitTCPPorts = (empty) IPSecPermitUDPPorts = (empty) IPSubnet = IPUseZeroBroadcast = (empty) KeepAliveInterval = (empty) KeepAliveTime = (empty) MTU = (empty) NumForwardPackets = (empty) PMTUBHDetectEnabled = (empty) PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = (empty) TCPMaxConnectRetransmissions = (empty) TCPMaxDataRetransmissions = (empty) TCPNumConnections = (empty) TCPUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = (empty) TCPWindowSize = (empty) WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = (empty) WINSHostLookupFile = (empty) WINSPrimaryServer = (empty) WINSScopeID = (empty) WINSSecondaryServer = (empty) IPXEnabled = (empty) |
VREDIR Description = Client for Microsoft Networks InstallDate = 20000608030000.000000+180 Manufacturer = Microsoft Name = Client for Microsoft Networks Status = OK |