Word Processing I Exercise

What to do How to do it

Save a copy of the exercise file word1.doc to your floppy disk.

  1. Right-click the link word1.doc and click "Save Target As ..."
  2. Select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) from the "Save In:" pull-down menu
  3. Double-click your folder
  4. Double-click the Word Processing folder
  5. Click the Save button
Open your copy of the file.
  1. Choose a file to be opened using one of the following methods:
    • Open Microsoft Word and either click File, Open, click the Open button, or Press Ctrl-O
    • Open Windows Explorer or My Computer
  2. Double-click 3 1/2 Floppy (A:)
  3. Double-click your folder
  4. Double-click the Word Processing folder
  5. Double-click word1.doc
Change the document information to list your name as the author instead of the instructor's.
  • Click File, Properties and click the Summary tab
  • Click in the Author field, drag or press Ctrl-A to select the existing author, press the Delete key
  • Type your name and click OK
Add an agenda item "Development of Website".
  1. Click at the beginning of the line "Any other business"
  2. Type "Development of Website" and press Enter
Make the header larger and darker.
  1. Select the header line by dragging or by clicking in the left margin.
  2. Choose a larger font size (e.g. 14).
  3. Choose a sans serif font (e.g. Arial).
  4. Click the B (boldface) button.
Underline "Agenda" and "Current Analysts".
  1. Select each line by dragging or by clicking in the left margin.
  2. Click the U (underline) button.

Add today's date.

  1. Position the cursor on the third line by clicking or using the arrow keys
  2. Click Insert, Date and Time
  3. Select a date and time format of your choice and click OK
Change "Representatives" to be "Officers".
  1. Double-click Representatives to select it
  2. Press the Delete key
  3. Type Officers
Add "Secretary: <your name>" to the end of the list of analysts.
  1. Press Ctrl-End or Page Down to go to the end of the document.
  2. Press Enter to get a new line.
  3. Type "Secretary: <your name>".
Move "any other business" to be the last agenda item.
Move "reading of minutes of last meeting" to be the second item.
  1. Select the text to be moved
  2. Drag the selection to the beginning of the line where the text is to be moved, or:
  3. Click Edit, Cut or press Ctrl-X
  4. Move the cursor to the place where the text is to be moved (use arrows or click with mouse)
  5. Click Edit, Paste or press Ctrl-V
Find and replace "analysts" with "members".
  1. Click Edit, Replace or press Ctrl-H
  2. In the "Find what:" box, type "analysts"
  3. In the "Replace with:" box, type "members"
  4. Click Replace All
Make the current members a bulleted list.
  1. Select the analysts by dragging or by holding the Shift key and moving the cursor with the arrow keys.
  2. Click the bulleted list button or click Format, Bullets and Numbering, Bullets, select a bullet style and click OK.
Make the agenda topics a numbered list.
  1. Select the agenda topics by dragging or by holding the Shift key and moving the cursor with the arrow keys.
  2. Click the numbered list button or click Format, Bullets and Numbering, Numbering, select a numbering style and click OK.
Spell-check the document.
  1. Click the ABC button or press F7 to start the spelling check
  2. Ignore or change each suggested spelling as appropriate (e.g. ignore proper names)
  3. Continue until the check is complete
Save your changes to the document (recommended every five minutes).
  1. Click File, Save, or click the Save button, or press Ctrl-S.
Exit the document and Microsoft Word.
  1. Cick the upper close button (X).