Hints for Using the Course Web
To save individual files from this web site to your disk:
- Right-click the link to the file
- Click Save Target As
- Select the disk or folder where you want to save the file
(e.g. to save the file to your floppy disk, select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) from the
Save In menu)
- Click Save
A copy of the course web site is occasionally copied to the SharedDocs folder
on the xpacer computer in the BAM computer lab.
However, the web site often has more up-to-date information.
To access the files on the xpacer computer:
- Use the xpacer computer and find the SharedDocs folder
- OR: Type \\xpacer\SharedDocs\ in the address bar of Windows Explorer of
another computer in the lab
- OR: Browse to find the folder by double-clicking each of the following:
- My Network Places or Network Neighborhood (e.g. in Windows Explorer or
on the desktop)
- Entire Network
- Microsoft Windows Network (if available)
- the MSHome workgroup
- the xpacer computer
- the SharedDocs folder
- the mis1 folder
You can copy many files to your floppy disk at once using Windows Explorer.
Select the files and folders and then:
- Drag to the A: drive (or a folder within the A: drive)
- Click copy, select 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) or a folder within it, and click
- Right-click the selection, move to the Send To menu, and click 3 1/2
Floppy (A:)
Printing and Editing
To print or change any files on the course web site:
- Note that the web site uses frames.
- The left frame is the navigation menu (similar to the folders toolbar in
Windows Explorer).
- The right frame is for displaying document contents.
- If you just click File and Print within Internet Explorer, the printout will
include the left frame which you usually do not want, and it might not include
all of the contents of your document.
- It is generally better to save the file to your floppy disk (as described above)
or the hard disk,
open the file by double-clicking it, and then printing or editing.
- If you want to print a web page (HTML document), right-click click the
link and click Open in New Window.
This will assure that the window containing the document does not contain
To print PowerPoint slides:
- You should not print only one slide per page since this would waste a lot
of paper (and money).
- Instead, click File, Print, and select Handouts from the Print What menu.
- The default of 6 slides per page is usually reasonable. (Less than 6
wastes paper; more than 6 is difficult to read.)