Exercise 6: Security

What To Do How To Do It
Look up encryption in Windows Help
  1. Click Start, Help
  2. Type encryption and press Enter or click Display
  3. Double-click articles to display and read them, e.g.
    • Encryption, Encrypting File System Overview
    • Cipher
Password-protect an application file
  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Create a simple file with a little text.
  3. Select the Tools menu, select Options, and click the Saving tab.
  4. Supply and verify a password for read and/or write access.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Open the file and test with correct and incorrect passwords.
  7. Repeat for Excel and Access.
Password-protect a compressed archive
  1. Open WinZip or EnZip or other compression/archive program.
  2. Select files to compress.
  3. Supply and verify a password.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Open the file and test with correct and incorrect passwords.
Encrypt files and folders (NTFS only)
  1. Right-click a file.
  2. Click Properties, General, Advanced, Encrypt.
  3. Type and verify the password for encrypting.
  4. Open the file and test with correct and incorrect passwords.
  5. Repeat for a folder. Include subfolders.
View the options of the cipher command (NTFS only)
  1. Click Start, Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.
  2. Type cipher /? to view command options
  3. Type cipher to view the encryption state of the current folder and any files it contains.