Lecture 10b:
Cascading Style Sheets
What You Will Learn Today
- Avoid using visual hacks for visual
presentation of web pages.
- Use styles for all physical formatting.
- Use the three different ways to refer to
styles and explain style precedence and
- Use style rules and CSS measurement units
- Use styles for fonts,
spacing and alignment, blocks, and
- Use styles for links,
lists and background
- Use class and id attributes, and div and span
- Use JavaScript to read and change
Many tricks or hacks are used to improve page appearance:
- Using proprietary HTML extensions
- Converting text into images
- Using images for white space control
- Using tables for page layout
- Writing a program instead of using HTML
Why They Are Bad
- Not used the way HTML was designed to be used
- Increased complexity of pages
- Not very flexible or maintainable
- Not fully functional for all users on all platforms
- Not very accessible
Advantages of Styles
- Styles are intended to improve the appearance and presentation of web
- Styles reduce the need to use tricks or hacks (listed above) to make pages
look good.
- Styles give more control over font, colour, page layout and other visual
- Styles for all similar elements in a page or group of pages can quickly be
changed in a single location.
- It is possible to specify a different style sheet for each media type
(screen, print, tv, handheld, aural, etc.)
- Nonconforming users can choose their own style sheets if they don't like
- Recent browsers support the 1996 CSS1 specification.
Disadvantages of Styles
- Older browsers like Netscape 4 do not fully support style sheets.
- Support for the 1998 CSS2 specification is not yet universal.
- Many existing pages and sites on the web do not use styles and would take
a long time to be redesigned.
Three Ways to Refer to Styles
- Inline styles are used as an attribute of a single tag.
<h1 style="color: red">My Home Page</h1>
- Embedded or global styles are applied to an entire file.
<style type="text/css"> h1 { color: red } </style>
- A linked or external style sheet is a text file with
containing style declaration rules.
- Create a file named mystyles.css containing rules like
- Put this link in the head section of each HTML document to use these
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css">
- Styles are cascaded through to other levels unless you override
them with a style of higher precedence.
- inline style > embedded style > external style sheet > browser
- But many browsers can be configured to ignore font sizes, link colours and
styles, and to use a different style sheet.
- Tags are organised into an inheritance hierarchy.
- Heading and paragraph tags inherit the styles from the body tag.
- Table cells inherit from table rows, which inherit from tables. List items inherit from lists.
- To make all bold in list items blue, use
li b { color: blue }
- A style rule has the format
declaration }
h1 { text-align: center }
h2 { text-align: left }
- A selector lists elements (tags) to which the declaration is
applied, separated by commas.
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { text-align: center }
- A declaration is made up of a list of properties and values
separated by semicolons.
selector { property1: value1; property2:
value2 }
p { font-size: 14pt; color: green }
- A comment line begins with
and ends with */
like in C or Java programming.
CSS Measurement Units
- in: inches, cm: centimeters, mm: millimeters (US and metric units)
- px: pixels (size of a pixel on the current screen; typically 72 or
96 pixels per inch)
- pt: point (standard publishing unit, 72 points per inch)
- %: relative to the base size (200% is two times normal size)
- em and ex: width and heights of letters relative to capital
M and small x
- x-small, small, medium, large, x-large: relative to base font size
- color is the foreground colour. background-color is the
colour behind the text.
- Colours can be specified by name, RGB value, or hexadecimal code. Ways to
get blue:
color: blue
color: rgb(0, 0, 255)
color: rgb(0%, 0%, 100%)
color: #0000ff
- font-weight can be numbers (150%) or words (normal, bold, bolder,
- font-size: the height of a line of text.
- line-height: distance between two lines of text
- Specify font names as a list; if the browser does not recognise
them it will use its default font.
- Font families are generic names to use as default: serif,
sans-serif, monospace
font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif
- You can use shorthand notation to specify font-weight, font-size,
line-height and font-family:
font: bold 18pt/30pt arial
- font-style: normal, italic, or oblique
- text-decoration: blink, line-through, overline, underline, or none
- text-transform: capitalize, lowercase, uppercase, or none
- font-variant: small-caps or none
- letter-spacing and word-spacing: spacing between letters and
- text-align: left, center, right or justify
- vertical-align: baseline, bottom, middle, sub, super, text-bottom,
text-top, or top
- text-indent: amount of indent of the first line, e.g. a paragraph.
- A negative value produces a hanging indent (all lines except the
first line are indented).
- padding: space within a text element
p { padding-left: 12pt; padding-right: 6pt }
- margin: white space around a block element
- border: use border-style, border-width, border-color, or this
shorthand notation:
h1 { border: solid 2pt red }
- border-style is solid, dashed, dotted, double, outset, inset,
groove, ridge or none.
- padding, margin and border can specify top, bottom, left or right:
p { border-top: 2pt double green }
- width and height: the size of the element
- float: left or right (aligns the image and following elements will
- clear: left, right or both (prevents an element from wrapping
around a previous image)
- position: static, absolute (not part of page flow) or relative
(relative to page flow)
- top and left: the upper left corner of the element
- clip: rect(top right bottom left) displays only part of the image.
- z-index: overlapping layer (-1 is behind the default layer, 1 is in
- a:link is an unvisited link. Default is blue in most browsers.
- a:visited is a visited link (previously clicked by the user).
Usually darker than an unvisited link.
a:visited { color: purple }
- a:hover is when the mouse is moved over the link. Often used to
create rollover effects.
a:hover { background-color: red; font-size: 120% }
- a:active is a selected (clicked) link. Useful to show the currently
page in a navigation frame.
a:active { background-color: green }
- list-style-type: disc, circle, square, decimal,
decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha
- list-style-image: url(URL)
- list-style-position: inside or outside
- background-image: url(URL) or none
- background-repeat: repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, or no-repeat
- background-position: x and y distance from upper left corner, or
left, center or right and top, center or bottom
- background-attachment: scroll or fixed
- To create a special group of items of a certain tag, use a dot in
the style selector and the class attribute in the tag.
<style type="text/css">p.quote { color: red }</style>
<p class="quote">Style cannot be <em>too</em> clear, <em>too</em>
- To create a new tag, begin the style selector with a dot.
<style type="text/css">.quote { color: red }</style>
- Use
tags for block elements.
<div class="quote">Have something to say, and say it as clearly as
you can.
That is the only secret of style.</div>
- Use
tags for inline formatting within blocks.
<p><span class="booktitle">Cascading Style Sheets</span> by Lie
and Bos</p>
- IDs are like classes but must be unique. Use a hash character in
the style selector and the id attribute in the tag.
<style type="text/css">#quote { color: red }</style>
<p id="quote">Proper words in proper places, make the true
definition of a style.</p>
- You can use class and id names to access page
elements using JavaScript.
- elementName.style.propertyName
= 'value'
<a href="#JavaScript" onclick="redtext.style.color='red'"><span
change this text to red
- You can also access all the tags, classes and IDs in a document.
sets background of all heading 1 elements to blue
// sets
all elements of class GreenBody to green
// sets tags with
NewTopic IDs to blue
- JavaScript uses propertyName
instead of property-name.
To Do After Class
- See Lecture 10a.
- Book References: Sklar Unit F, Carey Ch. 7, Reding & Vodnik Unit J
- Electronic References: Lie & Bos Ch. 2, Dave Raggett's Introduction
to CSS, HTML 4 Ch. 14