Computer Courses
Computer science courses for Uganda Martyrs University, 2003
Computer Applications Course
Teaching materials for PC office applications (Word, Excel, Access, etc.), 1997-2004
Chemistry Course
IGCSE Grade 11 and 12 Chemistry course materials, 1995-1997
Physics Course
IGCSE Grade 11 and 12 Physics course materials, 1995-1997

Take a quiz on geography, history, language, literature, music, science, mathematics, or computers.
Learn about Swahili, Kwanyama and other languages, 1997-2003
Other Activities
Learn through interactive Java and JavaScript activities, 1997-2003
Education Papers
Papers and materials on education, science, computers and Africa, 1998-2000
IST Papers
Instructional Systems Technology papers, project reports and presentations, 1998-2000
Technical Support Tips
How to request and provide technical support
Fort Collins Connexion
Municipal Broadband Pros and Cons