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Namibia Presentation Offer

If you are a teacher, librarian, or other education professional, I would be glad to help give a presentation or lesson about Namibia to your class or group. I would be open to whatever format and content you have in mind. I would do my best to cater to the level of the participants and meet your instructional needs.

Some things I could bring to the classroom/session:
  • books, newspapers, articles, top stories of 1997, photocopies
  • maps, atlas, country facts, brochures
  • photographs, postcards, drawings
  • baskets, goblet, currency
  • library books and videos about Namibian travel and nature
  • Namibian and South African audio cassettes and CD's
Some things I could present to the class/group:
  • ask students where they've traveled, what they know about Africa/Namibia
  • share my knowledge and personal experience of Namibia
  • explain photos and postcards
  • teach some basic Kwanyama language words and phrases
  • demonstrate my Kwanyama computer quiz program
  • show pictures of Namibia and other information on my web site
  • show information about Namibia and Africa in the Encarta CD Encyclopedia
  • read stories written by Namibian women
  • try to sing/teach the Namibian National Anthem
  • answer student questions
Some cross-cultural exchanges that we could set up with my former school:
  • penpals through Internet or regular mail
  • compiled lists of student questions for Namibian students to answer

The Peace Corps also sent me a packet of educational materials for making presentations, including brochures for school exchanges in the World Wise Schools program.

If these ideas interest you, please contact me. March 3 is National Peace Corps Day and would be especially appropriate for a presentation, but other days could be arranged.