15 photos.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
From July 2001 until late 2003 the University of Bukoba was housed in the former immigration building on Ghana Road, behind the Regional Offices. The main entrance is on the right. The blue door to the left was the entrance to the computer lab.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
In June 2001 some staff of the University of Connecticut visited the University of Bukoba Kyanyi campus.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Kwitega, Kissimba, Maagi, Mulogo, Masuruli, Muhabuki: Greg's first six computer workshop participants at the University of Bukoba building on Ghana Road.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Dawooda, Amin, Jollystar, Alex, Rumanyika, Thomas, Justin, Salum, Joanitha, Aneth, Leserian, Rosemary, Rahely, Edina, Martha, Janat

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Marialena guided us through a fishing village just outside Bukoba to this pretty spot on the beach where we sat and talked.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
I live just a block from the main market, and you can see the spire of the Catholic cathedral in the background. Also note the papaya tree, the tin roof, iron fence and thick vegetation.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
The University of Bukoba was located at the Nyumba ya Vijana (Bukoba Youth Centre) for two academic years until June 2001.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Joanitha served as secretary and personal assistant to the Registrar for over three years and provided important administrative support to the fledgling University.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
This picture may have been at the reception for my arrival in Bukoba on April 2.

Mwanza, Tanzania, 2001
The altar is designed like a Sukuma chief stool to emphasize its importance.

Morogoro, Tanzania, 2001
VSO volunteers were given use of this centre as a place to be trained in Tanzanian culture, the Swahili language, health and administrative matters.

Morogoro, Tanzania, 2001
wanawake wana haki kukataa kutahiriwa - women have the right to refuse circumcision