271 photos.

CSU Mountain Campus, Colorado, 2009
Mohammed, Latifah, Tariq, Mary, Joanitha, Joachim

Denver, Colorado, 2009

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Mary, Tariq, Don, Joachim, Cassie, Dylan, Joanitha, Colette

Loveland, Colorado, 2008
Nelson Mandela gave Eddie Daniels a copy of this poem shortly before Eddie was released. Eddie often used it when teaching his students. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. Just days after meeting Eddie, we happened upon this statue in Loveland.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Eddie Daniels was a prisoner for fighting apartheid in South Africa, along with Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and other future ANC leaders. It was inspiring to meet him and read his book There and Back: Robben Island, 1964-1979.

Loveland, Colorado, 2008
Tricia, Tariq, Mary, Cassie, Jim, Dylan, Joanitha, Joachim

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
Isaya Bakinikana was the registrar of the University of Bukoba. He is now the principal of the Lutheran teachers' college.

"Kanazi, Kagera", Tanzania, 2008
Her grandparents Kristina and Selestini have a traditional house made of sticks with a thatched roof, and a cement house where they now spend more time. On their farm, they raise matoke (cooking bananas), cassava, chickens and goats. Her grandfather is 84 and still loves to talk and tell stories, but I did not understand his Kiswahili very well.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
driver, Joanitha, Joachim, ?, Vicent, ?, Petronida, ?, ?, Maria, ?, ?, ?

Ngorongoro, Tanzania, 2008
One of the birds at our picnic spot was aggressive enough to swoop down and steal part of my sandwich from my hand.

Windsor, UK, 2008
Michael Hodd was an economics professor at the University of Westminster, and the vice-chancellor of the University of Bukoba from 1999-2000.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2006
Don, Tricia, Cassie, Jim, Paul, Dylan, Mohammed, Tariq, Greg, Connor, Mary, Joachim, Griffin, Joanitha, Tom, Mary, Colette, Latifah

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2005
?, ?, Greg, Joanitha, Joachim, Patty, her kids, Colette, Don, Latifah

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2005
Joachim Rutasitara Vogl was born in May, 2005. Saint Joachim was the husband of Saint Anne and the father of the Virgin Mary. Joachim is a Jewish name which means 'May Jehovah exalt, God prepares, God will establish, the Lord will judge'. Rutasitara is a Ruhaya name given by Joanitha's father which means roughly 'you will stay out of trouble'.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
We didn't see any moose when we were in the park, but we did see a herd of elk.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
Bear Lake is a beautiful spot and easy to walk around, but we were drenched by a rainfall on our way up to Nymph Lake.

Poudre Canyon, Colorado, 2004
This tunnel was blasted through the rock so the road could follow the canyon.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
In Fort Collins, life in the projects was not so bad.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
We love rasta music and saw Lucky Dube's concert in Kampala in 2003, but this is not our real hair.

"Kanazi, Kagera", Tanzania, 2004
This traditional Haya hut is built from bamboo poles and covered with grass. Inside the floor is covered with dry grass. In the back is a fireplace; the insides of the roof are black with soot. The compound is home to Joanitha's grandparents and also includes a cement house with tin roof, and a farm which grows mainly matoke (cooking bananas).

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2004
Fishermen use hand-made wooden boats and hand-woven nets. They sell their catch from the shores of Bukoba. Many catch fish at night by attracting them with kerosene lamps.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
In Bahaya tradition, the wedded couple join feet and are anointed with oil.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We were treated at the reception with dozens of gifts, but none as surprising as a child.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding reception was held at the historic Lake Hotel in Bukoba.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
After our wedding, we paraded around town in this limousine, sounding triple beeps, cheered on and even followed by many curious townspeople.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We left the church looking a little stunned at the fanfare of people, vehicles, music and dancing surrounding us.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Donald passed away suddenly, just a few months after we left East Africa. He was in charge of rebuilding many of the important highways connecting Bukoba to other towns, including Mutukula, the border with Uganda. He was a jovial, witty and intelligent Brit whose wife was originally from Lesotho.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding took place at Bukoba Roman Catholic Cathedral Parish in central Bukoba on September 13.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Mr. Jovita, a friend of Joanitha's father, served as my father for the sendoff and gave me away at the wedding.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
At this ceremony the family received gifts in honour of Joanitha's wedding.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
I crossed this bridge many times going to and from Joanitha's house in Buyekera. It can be difficult to see at night unless the moon is out because much of the path is unlit.

Nairobi, Kenya, 2003
The arboretum in Kenya is a large park full of many varieties of trees, both indigenous and imported.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
The flowers and outdoor setting at this hilltop hotel in Kabalagala made up for the food and rooms.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Joanitha attended KIU for a year in computer science but was disappointed by the chaotic disorganization of the newly founded university and found the classes to be overcrowded, impersonal and nonpractical.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Senene are bright green grasshoppers which appear at a few short times of the year in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. They are attracted by artificial lights, captured in bedsheets, and fried in oil or slowly roasted over coals. They make a spicy, crunchy snack and are traditionally associated with couples in love.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
We came to a small, crowded shop in the middle of town to have some ID photos taken, but they were taking so long that we decided to use their studio and my camera.

Entebbe, Uganda, 2003
The arboretum in Entebbe has a nice setting by Lake Victoria near the Wildlife Education Centre and is home to two types of monkeys and many types of birds.

Munyonyo, Uganda, 2003
These two contestants in the hat contest at the goat races were like right out of My Fair Lady. Joanitha wanted to stay late; she could have danced all night.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
Mount Elgon was cold and rainy, and climbing muddy paths was a challenge, but we enjoyed the lush vegetation and serenity.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
Mount Elgon has a beautiful variety of flowering plants.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
To take a walk in Mount Elgon, even for day hikes, you are required to be accompanied by armed park rangers, who protect against poachers and bandits as well as whatever few rare wild animals might remain. But the ranger said the park has been quite safe lately.

Kagera, Tanzania, 2002
The Computers for Africa team and some University of Bukoba staff including Joanitha visited the Bwanjai rock paintings, which are hundreds of years old, but have been damaged by more recent graffiti.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
A team of nine students and two teachers from Balerno High School, Edinburgh, Scotland came to Bukoba in 2002 to donate 30 computers to 13 local organisations including the University of Bukoba, and Ihungo, Hekima and Rugambwa Secondary Schools.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
We visited the small, sandy, picturesque beach below. It was a long 10 km hike back into town.

Kagera, Tanzania, 2002
Our bus was stuck in the mud for over an hour, precariously close to falling into a ditch.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Dawooda, Amin, Jollystar, Alex, Rumanyika, Thomas, Justin, Salum, Joanitha, Aneth, Leserian, Rosemary, Rahely, Edina, Martha, Janat

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Joanitha served as secretary and personal assistant to the Registrar for over three years and provided important administrative support to the fledgling University.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
This picture may have been at the reception for my arrival in Bukoba on April 2.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 1999
studio portrait. University of Bukoba students were issued academic gowns when the university opened.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 1998
Only a small minority of African families get their water from a faucet in their homes. Many African women and girls must carry buckets of water on their heads for long distances so that their families can drink water, cook and wash clothes.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 1998
After Sumve, Joanitha tried to start a shop, but it never really took off.

Kisumu, Kenya, 1997
Joanitha's school went on a sporting trip to Kenya and stopped by this monument to Kenya's long-time president. Many things were named after Moi, who held onto power for more than 20 years.

Mwanza, Tanzania, 1997
Joanitha enjoyed drama and acting. Some students were afraid of her for some time after this performance.