176 photos.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Eddie Daniels was a prisoner for fighting apartheid in South Africa, along with Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and other future ANC leaders. It was inspiring to meet him and read his book There and Back: Robben Island, 1964-1979.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2007
Don, Mohammed,Colette, Paul, Tariq, Joachim, Greg, Mary, Latifah, Jim, Dylan, Tricia, Cassie

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2006
Don, Tricia, Cassie, Jim, Paul, Dylan, Mohammed, Tariq, Greg, Connor, Mary, Joachim, Griffin, Joanitha, Tom, Mary, Colette, Latifah

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2006
Cassie, Jim, Dylan, Joachim, Greg, Mary, Tariq

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2005
?, ?, Greg, Joanitha, Joachim, Patty, her kids, Colette, Don, Latifah

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
On our way up to the top of the park on Old Fall River Road, we looked back and saw this view of the valley near the Endovalley overlook.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
Bear Lake is a beautiful spot and easy to walk around, but we were drenched by a rainfall on our way up to Nymph Lake.

Poudre Canyon, Colorado, 2004
This tunnel was blasted through the rock so the road could follow the canyon.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
In Fort Collins, life in the projects was not so bad.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
We love rasta music and saw Lucky Dube's concert in Kampala in 2003, but this is not our real hair.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
In Bahaya tradition, the wedded couple join feet and are anointed with oil.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We were treated at the reception with dozens of gifts, but none as surprising as a child.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding reception was held at the historic Lake Hotel in Bukoba.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
After our wedding, we paraded around town in this limousine, sounding triple beeps, cheered on and even followed by many curious townspeople.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We left the church looking a little stunned at the fanfare of people, vehicles, music and dancing surrounding us.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Donald passed away suddenly, just a few months after we left East Africa. He was in charge of rebuilding many of the important highways connecting Bukoba to other towns, including Mutukula, the border with Uganda. He was a jovial, witty and intelligent Brit whose wife was originally from Lesotho.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding took place at Bukoba Roman Catholic Cathedral Parish in central Bukoba on September 13.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Mr. Jovita, a friend of Joanitha's father, served as my father for the sendoff and gave me away at the wedding.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Greg relaxing in front of the apartment on the hill in Nsambya where we lived for a year. It was a very dusty place with plumbing problems, but it was securely fenced in and our flowers grew like crazy. It was a 15-minute walk down the hill to Kabalagala and Kampala International University.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
Mount Elgon was cold and rainy, and climbing muddy paths was a challenge, but we enjoyed the lush vegetation and serenity.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Greg trained over 50 participants at the Bukoba District Council in Windows, Word, Excel and Access.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Greg, Tony and Laurence facilitated a networking workshop in the new Ihungo computer lab.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Ihungo Secondary School was kind enough to allow us to use their newly acquired computers to present a workshop in computer networking. In exchange, we helped install and configure the network.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Kwitega, Kissimba, Maagi, Mulogo, Masuruli, Muhabuki: Greg's first six computer workshop participants at the University of Bukoba building on Ghana Road.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2001
Marialena guided us through a fishing village just outside Bukoba to this pretty spot on the beach where we sat and talked.

South Bend, Indiana, 1999
Front row: Tom, Mary, Connor, Colette, Emmanuel, Greg. Back row: Mohammed, Joe, Don, Becky, Paul

South Bend, Indiana, 1999
Emmanuel had his first experience with snow in Indiana. He seemed not to mind the cold.

South Bend, Indiana, 1999
Emmanuel and I taught at Ponhofi Senior Secondary School in Namibia for three years and shared a teacher hostel for a year. Emmanuel came to the US in 1999 and visited me and my family for Christmas. He recently completed his PhD in entomology and is living in Texas.

Ohangwena, Namibia, 1997
Greg Vogl (me), physics and computer teacher, USA, Monika Katanga, secretary, Namibia, Tuyeni Ndaikile, Kwanyama teacher, Namibia, Martha (Katiti) Nhinda, Kwanyama teacher, Namibia, Irene Carolissen, English teacher, Namibia, Saima Amunyela, Kwanyama teacher, Namibia, Lydia (Ivawa) Munghadi, biology teacher, Namibia, Liam Garvey, mathematics teacher, Australia, Julie Murphy, accounting teacher, Scotland, Philip Shimhanda, natural economy teacher, Namibia, Emmanuel Edomwande (seated), biology teacher, Nigeria, Eric Kemanya, English teacher, Namibia, Mark Fleming, mathematics teacher, Scotland, Mary (Maria) Nashandi, business studies teacher, Namibia, Peter Maswahu, agriculture teacher, Namibia, Lucky (Nhlanhla) Lupahla, mathematics teacher, Zimbabwe, Michael Kavungo, Vice-Principal and English teacher, Namibia, Håkon Hermanstrand, English teacher, Norway

South Bend, Indiana, 1980
Jon, Camille, Beanie, Greg (valedictorian), Carl, Paul, Bob, David