70 photos.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
Senene (locusts) with legs removed, ready to be deep-fried or smoked and eaten as a snack.

Entebbe, Uganda, 2003
The arboretum in Entebbe has a nice setting by Lake Victoria near the Wildlife Education Centre and is home to two types of monkeys and many types of birds.

Entebbe, Uganda, 2003
The shoebill stork is a rare bird of East Africa, one of the many animals found in natural settings at the Entebbe Wildlife Education Centre.

Entebbe, Uganda, 2003
The crested crane is the national bird of Uganda and is often found in pairs in wetland areas.

Munyonyo, Uganda, 2003
Goats are not exactly born racers. They are followed closely from behind with a large banner, and run more or less neck and neck the whole way around. The winner is the one who happened to be a little more nervous than the others at the approach of the finish line. But it's a great excuse for food, drink and socializing.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
To take a walk in Mount Elgon, even for day hikes, you are required to be accompanied by armed park rangers, who protect against poachers and bandits as well as whatever few rare wild animals might remain. But the ranger said the park has been quite safe lately.

Okaukuejo, Namibia, 1997
Etosha is the focal point of Namibia for most tourists. It contains an enormous number and variety of animals, but the subtle beauty of the plants and setting might be overlooked.

Spitzkoppe, Namibia, 1997
Donkey carts are still used in rural areas of Namibia and sometimes even in larger villages like Oshakati.

Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 1996
Houses in Burkina Faso are built of mud, stone or straw. This mud village was relatively traditional, and there were many locations for sacrificing animals. To get to this village, I rode on the back of a small motorcycle. I also toured a stone village on a hill and a pond with giant sacred catfish.

Man, Cote D'Ivoire, 1996
Many trees take on a monstrous, grotesque appearance, twisted by some unknown combination of wind, weather, animals, people and spirits.

Windhoek, Namibia, 1995
Murals are a popular form of art in urban Namibia and South Africa, especially around the time of independence and the end of Apartheid. This mural represents the diversity of Namibia's flora and fauna.

Ohangwena, Namibia, 1995
This goat was slaughtered for a party held by a British volunteer. Goats and cows are a common source of meat in the North, and goat meat tastes good when properly seasoned and cooked.

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1995
The island's main industries are tourism and agriculture. Many kinds of spices are grown on the island for exporting.

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1995
Prison Island is a short boat trip from Zanzibar town. There we saw the ruins of the prison, swam and snorkeled above the coral reefs. It is easy to find these large tortoises on the island. They move very slowly; the big ones must weigh over 200 kg.