170 photos.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Connor, Kasey, Dylan, Latifah, Tariq, Griffin, Joachim, Cassie

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Mary, Tariq, Don, Joachim, Cassie, Dylan, Joanitha, Colette

Loveland, Colorado, 2008
Nelson Mandela gave Eddie Daniels a copy of this poem shortly before Eddie was released. Eddie often used it when teaching his students. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. Just days after meeting Eddie, we happened upon this statue in Loveland.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008
Eddie Daniels was a prisoner for fighting apartheid in South Africa, along with Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and other future ANC leaders. It was inspiring to meet him and read his book There and Back: Robben Island, 1964-1979.

Loveland, Colorado, 2008
Tricia, Tariq, Mary, Cassie, Jim, Dylan, Joanitha, Joachim

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
Isaya Bakinikana was the registrar of the University of Bukoba. He is now the principal of the Lutheran teachers' college.

"Kanazi, Kagera", Tanzania, 2008
Her grandparents Kristina and Selestini have a traditional house made of sticks with a thatched roof, and a cement house where they now spend more time. On their farm, they raise matoke (cooking bananas), cassava, chickens and goats. Her grandfather is 84 and still loves to talk and tell stories, but I did not understand his Kiswahili very well.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
Senene (locusts) with legs removed, ready to be deep-fried or smoked and eaten as a snack.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2008
driver, Joanitha, Joachim, ?, Vicent, ?, Petronida, ?, ?, Maria, ?, ?, ?

Ngorongoro, Tanzania, 2008
One of the birds at our picnic spot was aggressive enough to swoop down and steal part of my sandwich from my hand.

Windsor, UK, 2008
Michael Hodd was an economics professor at the University of Westminster, and the vice-chancellor of the University of Bukoba from 1999-2000.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2008