16 photos.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
Mike, Jim, Don, Paul, Mohammed, Tricia, Cassie, Dan, Suzy and Mary stand in front of the huge reservoir that holds part of the water supply for Fort Collins and provides scenic walks and boating.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
We didn't see any moose when we were in the park, but we did see a herd of elk.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
On our way up to the top of the park on Old Fall River Road, we looked back and saw this view of the valley near the Endovalley overlook.

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2004
Bear Lake is a beautiful spot and easy to walk around, but we were drenched by a rainfall on our way up to Nymph Lake.

Poudre Canyon, Colorado, 2004
This tunnel was blasted through the rock so the road could follow the canyon.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
In Fort Collins, life in the projects was not so bad.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
We love rasta music and saw Lucky Dube's concert in Kampala in 2003, but this is not our real hair.

Kampala, Uganda, 2004
Matatus (minivan commuter taxis) are an important mode of transport within Kampala and elsewhere in Uganda for many people. The legal limit is 14 passengers, plus the conductor and the driver; usually the five rows of benches can seat three people each. In Nairobi the matatus can seat 20; each row has four seats. Getting to your matatu in the maze of vehicles in Old Park can be challenging, and traffic jams can cause long delays.

"Kanazi, Kagera", Tanzania, 2004
This traditional Haya hut is built from bamboo poles and covered with grass. Inside the floor is covered with dry grass. In the back is a fireplace; the insides of the roof are black with soot. The compound is home to Joanitha's grandparents and also includes a cement house with tin roof, and a farm which grows mainly matoke (cooking bananas).

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2004
Fishermen use hand-made wooden boats and hand-woven nets. They sell their catch from the shores of Bukoba. Many catch fish at night by attracting them with kerosene lamps.