26 photos.

Entebbe, Uganda, 2003
The breadfruit or jackfruit is found in East Africa as well as Asia.

Mount Elgon, Uganda, 2003
Mount Elgon has a beautiful variety of flowering plants.

Okaukuejo, Namibia, 1997
Etosha is the focal point of Namibia for most tourists. It contains an enormous number and variety of animals, but the subtle beauty of the plants and setting might be overlooked.

Okaukuejo, Namibia, 1997
San legends say that when God threw these trees in anger, they landed upside down, with the roots in the air. These trees have been damaged by elephants, and many are now protected by a fence.

Halali, Namibia, 1997
Etosha contains a variety of strangely shaped trees such as this.

Okaukuejo, Namibia, 1997
This type of tree (camelthorn? acacia?) is very common throughout the Namibian savanna.

Brandberg, Namibia, 1997
This scene reminds me of the Biblical story of Moses and the Burning Bush. Brandberg means Fire Mountain; from a distance the mountain appears red as if it were on fire. The Brandberg is the tallest mountain in Namibia. The summit is less than 3000 metres, but it is a challenge to climb because of the heat and amount of drinking water you must carry.

Uis Myn, Namibia, 1997
These enormous nests can be seen in trees throughout Namibia. They can be inhabited by hundreds of little birds, and the nests can take over and destroy the whole tree.

Keetmanshoop, Namibia, 1997
Aloes are very common, especially in the South. There are hundreds of varieties.

Keetmanshoop, Namibia, 1997
The Quiver Tree is so named because San (so-called Bushmen) hunters hollow out the branches to make quivers for storing their arrows. The trees do not quiver much in the wind.

Elmina, Ghana, 1997
This tree has two 'arms' that look like they could grab you. I would definitely not walk by this tree at night, especially after listening to African folk tales about witches.

Man, Cote D'Ivoire, 1996
Varieties of these trees grow to enormous heights. The roots of this tree do not go very deep because the soil of tropical forests is relatively thin. Ribs in the trunk support the tree like the buttresses of a cathedral. The tropical forests in Cote d'Ivoire have mostly been cleared, and I saw truckloads of huge logs, but Gabon is one country that still has large reserves of tropical forest.

Man, Cote D'Ivoire, 1996
Many trees take on a monstrous, grotesque appearance, twisted by some unknown combination of wind, weather, animals, people and spirits.

Ondangwa, Namibia, 1995
The north has some very large trees that provide shade even in the dry season. In the rainy season, this tree is surrounded by water.

Ohangwena, Namibia, 1995
As you drive north towards Ondangwa, you are suddenly surprised by the appearance of these tall trees, which are an indicator of a relatively wet rainy season and of large underground water reserves. Ovambos use every part of the tree, which they call omulunga, e.g. the trunk for stools and cattle troughs, fronds for weaving baskets, eendunga (palm nut fruits) for food and oil, and sap for producing palm wine. Wood of other trees is used for housing, fencing, firewood, furniture, cups, bowls, buckets, fish traps, handles and weapons.

Morogoro, Tanzania, 1995
The red buds of Flamboyant trees are a common sight in southern Africa and add colour to the surroundings.

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1995
For me, this picture symbolizes the idea that African roots run deep. Once you live there, you cannot forget your memories and responsibility to your friends and family there. You know that one day you will return. (Changuu Island used to be a prison; now it is inhabited by snorkelling tourists and giant tortoises.)

Zanzibar, Tanzania, 1995
Compared with those in Namibia, the trunks of palm trees on Zanzibar island are very tall and thin. The wind may have caused this tree to grow in a corkscrew shape.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 1995
Baobab trees are common throughout Africa and can be found in the northern part of Namibia, where they are known as omukwa. They can live for hundreds of years. This one is very old and has a trunk of about 10 metres across. The San use many parts of these trees.