49 photos.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Greg trained over 50 participants at the Bukoba District Council in Windows, Word, Excel and Access.

Kagera, Tanzania, 2002
The Computers for Africa team and some University of Bukoba staff including Joanitha visited the Bwanjai rock paintings, which are hundreds of years old, but have been damaged by more recent graffiti.

Nyakato, Tanzania, 2002
The Computers for Africa team visited and donated a computer to Mugeza school for the deaf.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
In December 2002, 35 people participated in a computer networking workshop at Ihungo Secondary School.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Four participants are engaged with learning the fundamentals of computer networking.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Greg, Tony and Laurence facilitated a networking workshop in the new Ihungo computer lab.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
This beauty pageant was quite a show, with music, dancing, food and drink, talent performances and beautiful costumes.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
The center of Bukoba is fairly flat, but the surrounding hills give beautiful views of the lake below.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
The Bukoba airport is scenically located near the lake; planes pass over Musira Island. The airstrip is not paved, and the big number 13 and a carcass of a crashed plane are not very reassuring.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Bukoba has a nice sandy beach and scenic views of Lake Victoria. The concrete structure in the foreground is the 100-year-old remnant of a German communication tower. Musira island can be seen in the distance.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
From July 2001 until late 2003 the University of Bukoba was housed in the former immigration building on Ghana Road, behind the Regional Offices. The main entrance is on the right. The blue door to the left was the entrance to the computer lab.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
A renovated wing of the Kyanyi campus and the university vehicle. Due to a lack of funds, renovations were only partly completed in 2002 before work came to a standstill.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
View of the Kyanyi campus from behind, showing two renovated buildings and a scenic overlook of Bukoba.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Like many of Bukoba's historic landmarks, the Lake Hotel is in a state of decay.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
Ihungo Secondary School was kind enough to allow us to use their newly acquired computers to present a workshop in computer networking. In exchange, we helped install and configure the network.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
A team of nine students and two teachers from Balerno High School, Edinburgh, Scotland came to Bukoba in 2002 to donate 30 computers to 13 local organisations including the University of Bukoba, and Ihungo, Hekima and Rugambwa Secondary Schools.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2002
We visited the small, sandy, picturesque beach below. It was a long 10 km hike back into town.

Rubya, Tanzania, 2002
Bas and Matt were two VSO volunteers at a rural secondary school. Matt's website is <a href='http://www.karibu-rubya.net/'>http://www.karibu-rubya.net/</a>.

Kagera, Tanzania, 2002
Our bus was stuck in the mud for over an hour, precariously close to falling into a ditch.