10 photos.

Fort Collins, Colorado, 2004
We love rasta music and saw Lucky Dube's concert in Kampala in 2003, but this is not our real hair.

Kampala, Uganda, 2004
Matatus (minivan commuter taxis) are an important mode of transport within Kampala and elsewhere in Uganda for many people. The legal limit is 14 passengers, plus the conductor and the driver; usually the five rows of benches can seat three people each. In Nairobi the matatus can seat 20; each row has four seats. Getting to your matatu in the maze of vehicles in Old Park can be challenging, and traffic jams can cause long delays.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Greg relaxing in front of the apartment on the hill in Nsambya where we lived for a year. It was a very dusty place with plumbing problems, but it was securely fenced in and our flowers grew like crazy. It was a 15-minute walk down the hill to Kabalagala and Kampala International University.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
The flowers and outdoor setting at this hilltop hotel in Kabalagala made up for the food and rooms.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Joanitha attended KIU for a year in computer science but was disappointed by the chaotic disorganization of the newly founded university and found the classes to be overcrowded, impersonal and nonpractical.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Senene are bright green grasshoppers which appear at a few short times of the year in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. They are attracted by artificial lights, captured in bedsheets, and fried in oil or slowly roasted over coals. They make a spicy, crunchy snack and are traditionally associated with couples in love.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
We came to a small, crowded shop in the middle of town to have some ID photos taken, but they were taking so long that we decided to use their studio and my camera.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
Inside the main building are spears, shields, medals, portraits, a canon from Henry Morton Stanley, chairs from Queen Elizabeth I, and a stuffed leopard.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
This building holds artifacts of the four previous kings of Buganda.

Kampala, Uganda, 2003
I saw this Roman Catholic cathedral every week on my way to and from Uganda Martyrs University because they have a Rubaga campus where the bus departs for Nkozi. It has a large interior and nice pipe organ.