32 photos.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
In Bahaya tradition, the wedded couple join feet and are anointed with oil.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We were treated at the reception with dozens of gifts, but none as surprising as a child.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding reception was held at the historic Lake Hotel in Bukoba.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
After our wedding, we paraded around town in this limousine, sounding triple beeps, cheered on and even followed by many curious townspeople.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
We left the church looking a little stunned at the fanfare of people, vehicles, music and dancing surrounding us.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Donald passed away suddenly, just a few months after we left East Africa. He was in charge of rebuilding many of the important highways connecting Bukoba to other towns, including Mutukula, the border with Uganda. He was a jovial, witty and intelligent Brit whose wife was originally from Lesotho.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
The wedding took place at Bukoba Roman Catholic Cathedral Parish in central Bukoba on September 13.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
This dancing troupe from Mwanza featured a man acting as a crazed monkey.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
This group played music for our wedding send-off ceremony.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
These dancers were skilled with balancing flaming pots on their heads.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Mr. Jovita, a friend of Joanitha's father, served as my father for the sendoff and gave me away at the wedding.

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
Sawiya Abubakar, Fidelis Nyegila, Mr. Jovita, Samuel Mutasa, Johanitha Mwijage, 3 others

Bukoba, Tanzania, 2003
At this ceremony the family received gifts in honour of Joanitha's wedding.