World Wise Schools
US Peace Corps
1111 20th St. NW
Washington, DC 20526
(800) 424-8580
Supervisor and Co-Workers
- Maureen Wilson-Jarrard, Education Technology Specialist, World Wise Schools
- Cindy Newberry, Webmaster, US Peace Corps
Duties and Accomplishments
- Maintained, repaired, organized and enhanced the 23 MB, 650
page WWS website
- Fixed broken links, reorganized file and directory structure, cleaned up HTML, added SSIs, checked spelling, improved text formatting
- Added content to website sections, including: Looking at Ourselves and Others, WWS Handbook for Teachers, Volunteer Views, Letters from Mali, Internet resources, photos, site outline
- Converted documents between different file formats
- Obtained and installed necessary resources (hardware, software, books, etc.)
- Organized website plans and created planning documentation including site outline
Tools and Skills
- WYSIWYG web page authoring (CyberStudio, Visual Page)
- HTML coding, pattern matching and global search/replace (BBEdit)
- web browsers (Netscape and Internet Explorer)
- desktop publishing (PageMaker and Acrobat)
- image editing (Photoshop)
- electronic mail (QuickMail)
- electronic calendar (Now-Up-To-Date)
- Macintosh (System 7 and 8)
- web page design concepts
- searching and organizing Internet resources
- file formats and conversion (Word, HTML, PDF, PageMaker, text, GIF, JPG)
- file management
- link checking (HTML Link Checker)
- writing, editing and proofreading
- planning and documentation